IC 1805 Heart Nebula – Centre

Imaging telescope: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120 840mm (f/7)
Focal reducer:
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI 533MC-PRO
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R PRO
Guiding telescope: Astro Essentials 32mm f/4 Mini Guide Scope
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI 120MM Mini

Other Equipment: Sesto Senso 2 focuser, Pegasus Power Box Advance, QHYCCD PoleMaster

Filters: Optolong L-eXtreme Dual Narrowband Filter

Aquisition: Sequence Generator Pro (SGP), PHD2

Software: Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) > PixInsight > Adobe Photoshop.

Date(s): 1 Dec 2021
Total Integration: 3 hrs 8 min

Lights: 47 x 240″ (gain: 101 Bin: 1)
Darks: ~25
Flats: ~25


  • Review images in Blink (in PixInsight) to remove bad frames
  • Stack Lights, Darks and Flats in DeepSkyStacker
  • Open in PixInsight and auto-stretch
  • Crop edges
  • Automatic Background Extraction
  • Permanently stretch image using STF and Histogram
  • Save and open in Photoshop
  • Adjust Levels, Curves and Vibrance
  • Save.
IC 1805 Heart Nebula Centre