iOptron CEM 25P, WO Z61 and ZWO ASI 183

This is a portable setup which is used for mostly wide field imaging.

The mount is the iOptron CEM 25P – Its a Center-balanced Equatorial Mount which is portable but still quite heavy (mount and tripod are about 12kg combined).

I have the William Optics Zenithstar 61 telescope with the smaller WO 32mm UniGuide scope mounted on top.

The main imaging camera is the ZWO ASI 183 MC Pro, which has a small pixel to match the shorter focal length of the telescope.

The guide camera is the ZWO ASI 120 MM Mini and the focusser is the ASI EAF.

For image acquisition and sequencing the ASIAir works very well – it also handles target selection, polar alignment and calibration frames.

 iOptron CEM 25P  & William Optics Zenithstar 61 telescope