Imaging Session – 4th Nov 2021

Finally sorted out the focussing issue on the Esprit 120 setup – the cables were pulling on the Pegasus Powerbox Advanced causing the dew heater cables to keep shorting the power so the focuser kept disconnecting. 2 new cables installed and a re-calibration of the Sesto Senso Focuser and all back to normal.

Imaging Session 03/11/2021

Setup 1: Esprit 120/ZWO ASI 533 on the SW EQ6R looking at NGC 5906 Splinter Galaxy

  • Polar Aligned using QHY Polemaster
  • Set up the target plan in Sequence Generator Pro.
  • Ran Auto Focus – 79710 at HFR 1.5
  • Slew to target, then plate sove to exact position
  • Run plan – 120s x 50

Need to clean the lens….

Setup 2: WO Z61/ZWO ASI 183 on the IOptron CEM25P looking at NGC 1499 California Nebula.

  • Polar Aligned using ASIAIR
  • Ran Auto Focus – set to run every hour
  • Set plan – 120s x 50
NGC 1499 California Nebula.
Mount and Telescope

Flats completed for ASI533 Pro in Sequence Generator Pro using Flats Wizzard

  • Covered lens with white T-Shirt and used drawing light panel on minimum brightness
  • Set Target Mean ADU to 27000, Min Exp 0.001s – Max 3.00s
  • Result was Exp=0.68s @ 26906 ADU